RAINFOR-Sinop-Sorriso Field Campaign. 2015.
We have had an extremely active campaign throughout the dry season, establishing and recensusing more than twenty RAINFOR plots across Mato Grosso and the southern part of the neighouring Para state. Much of this area lies within the natural transition zone between Amazonia and drier ecosystems to the south. Fieldwork led by Professor Beatriz and Ben-Hur Marimon of the Universidade de Mato Grosso team included important contributions from several post-doctoral and student colleagues, and was supported by grants from the PVE (Special Visiting Researcher) programme of CNPq as well as on-going UNEMAT projects with PELD and PPBio.
While large areas have now been converted to agriculture, the remaining natural vegetation contains a fascinating diversity of species. Much of the vegetation is hyper-dynamic, with stem turnover rates reaching or exceeding 3% a year, and in some localities may be especially vulnerable to climate change.
Santana do Araguaia (SAA-01, SAA-02 e SAT-01.
Com Bia e Ben Hur Marimon (Professores), Bianca Oliveira (MSc, bolsista PELD), Dr. Denis Nogueira (Pós-Doc) e Eder Carvalho (MSc student).
Sinop/Sorriso campaign
Remedindo as áreas SIP-01 (Floresta) and SOR-01 (cerrado) para Rainfor e PPBio.
Com Beatriz e Ben Hur Marimon, Oliver Phillips, Edmar Olveira e Paulo Morandi Lei