Brazil. 2018.
The Amazon Forest Inventory Network (RAINFOR) completed another fieldwork campaign in Acre, Brasil. The team led by Fernanda Coelho (University of Leeds), Wendeson Castro (Universidade Federal do Acre) and Edmar Oliveira (Universidade do Estado de Mato Grosso- UNEMAT- Campus Nova Xavantina) remeasured 9 permanent forest plots: 3 plots in Alto Jurua, 4 plots in Reserva Extrativista Chico Mendes, 1 plot in Floresta Experimental Catuaba and 1 plot in Reserva Florestal Humaita. Over 45 days on fieldwork and a long trip by flight and long hours by boat the team:
- remeasured trees in 9 hectares
- collected nearly 700 botanical vouchers
- measured tapper in 4 plots
- collected soil, charcoal and fine root data in 5 pits per plot