RAINFOR plays a critical role supporting Peru’s government with their submission to the UNFCCC in 2021
As part of the global process to reduce carbon emissions, nations need to report their forest emissions by submitting national “Forest Reference Emission Level” (FREL). RAINFOR colleagues played a critical role supporting Peru’s government with their submission to the UNFCCC in 2021. Our contributions were developed by the MonANPeru project and RAINFOR colleagues working at the Jardín Botánico de Missouri, Instituto de Investigaciones de la Amazonia Peruana, Universidad Nacional San Abad del Cusco, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Universidad de Jaén and Leeds. These are the largest source of information for estimating carbon density of Peruvian forests – and therefore the carbon emissions generated by deforestation.
Also, our work developing a national forest monitoring network is officially a “Nationally Determined Contribution” (NDC) to climate change adaptation in Peru (https://www.sernanp.gob.pe/noticias-leer-mas/-/publicaciones/c/minam-y-sernanp-suman-sinergias-para-medir-el-impacto-del-2282830). This initiative will see government institutions working together with ForestPlots.net to monitor and understand the impact of climate change on the country’s forests.
The complete study: Ministerio del Ambiente. 2021. Nivel de referencia de emisiones forestales por deforestación bruta del Perú en el bioma amazónico